美女合约交易员讲解合约 (做合约交易的技巧)

 网络   2022-11-03 13:51   47


本周一,一则《加密钱币投资基金向喷鼻港证交所投诉 OKEx》的动态引发轩然大波。五派别字加密钱币投资基金因正在 OKEx 期货买卖中蒙受了没有平正报酬而独特声讨买卖所。个中一家名为 Amber AI 的基金,由于 OKEx 正在 BCH 期货上的屡次没有平正操作导致该基金亏空 70 万美元投资。而这家基金本年刚被彭博社评为「展现最好的数字加密钱币基金的机构。」

据彭博社报道,除了 Amber AI 由于 OKEx 正在处置期货课题时而形成亏空之外,还有其它 4 家没有承诺展示名字的机构也讨论从 OKEx 上撤资或阻塞与 OKEx 的联系。个中一家一经向喷鼻港证监会(报道提到 OKEx 是一家挂号地正在喷鼻港的公司)提交了投诉,对于此喷鼻港证监会没有予置评。

对付安排墟市的谈吐,OKEx 方面则示意之因而没有提早告诉用户而交割,是由于「咱们思虑了良多场景,以为这是为维护有序墟市而施行的最平正以及最正当的做法。」根据 OKEx 用户协议,OKEx 有权力正在寻常状况下提早交割合约,如有疑问也许计划或到塞舌尔告状。而投资基金则痛斥其,称 OKEx 是墟市上仅有一家提早交割的买卖所。

区块律动 BlockBeats 与 Amber AI 博得关连,对于方示意指望 OKEx 也许完结正轨以及透明,这样才华进步并维持一个强健有序的买卖境况。

区块律动 BlockBeats 以为,投资者向喷鼻港证监会投诉的动作大概会作用 OKEx 正在喷鼻港的本钱筹备门路。更主要的是,这将会作用其熟行业以及机构投资者中公信力。这也是既漫溢散户投资者维权之后,第一次有机构投资者对于 OKEx 平台买卖平正性孕育置疑。

正如 Amber AI 所言,OKEx 呈现屡次系统课题后,亟需向墟市以及投资者证实其买卖所经营的切实性以及透明度,而没有仅仅是正在平台揭晓证实以及急匆促地撇清负担。

上面是彭博社报道原文翻译与 Amber AI 正在 Medium 上对于 OKEx 的控诉。

全文长度 1.8 万字,赏玩时光 30 分钟。


Furious Traders Slam Crypto Exchange for Fiddling With Contracts


An unorthodox move by one of the world』s biggest cryptocurrency platforms to change the terms on 5 million of derivative contracts has infuriated some traders and saddled several with losses, underscoring the risks of using unregulated virtual currency exchanges.

迩来,某个寰球最大的加密钱币平台之一做出了一个同样行为。其改动了价值 1.35 亿美金价值的衍生品合约的条目,此举激愤了漫溢墟市到场者,也导致个中一些墟市到场者受到重要折本,这次事宜也指示了专家空洞监管的加密钱币买卖一切着辽阔的潜伏告急。

The episode at Hong Kong-based OKEx, which claims to handle more than billion of crypto trades daily, involved futures on Bitcoin Cash, the virtual currency that split into two last week. In a decision that traders described as unusual if not unprecedented, OKEx forced the early settlement of its Bitcoin Cash contracts without warning on Nov. 14, just as prices were tumbling.

这次办事的主角是基于喷鼻港的 OKEx,一个每天有 10 亿美金买卖量的加密钱币买卖所。该买卖所的比特币现金(BCH)期货合约形成了这次争议事宜。BCH 正在上周施行了分叉,导致其分为两条链,而 OKEx 正在没有事先告诉的状况下于 11 月 14 号将比特币现金的期货合约强行提早交割,墟市代价随之呈现了大幅着落。

The move blindsided traders including Qiao Changhe, who said his fund lost 0,000 because its hedging position on OKEx was abruptly closed at a level that didn』t reflect prevailing market prices.

这样的行为让许多买卖者措手没有及,个中一位为 Qiao Changhe 的买卖员称自身的基金由于正在 OKEx 上的对于冲仓位正在一个没有反应墟市主流代价的价位被突然平仓,形成了 70 万美金的亏空。

Qiao, a former energy futures trader who now runs Cayman Islands-registered Consensus Technologies, said he would reduce his million fund』s use of OKEx because of the way it handled the Bitcoin Cash settlement. Four other traders who asked not to be named discussing private information also said they would scale back or end their relationships with the exchange. One of them filed a complaint with Hong Kong』s Securities and Futures Commission. An SFC spokesman declined to comment.

Qiao 曾经是一位能源期货买卖员,他而今正在经营开曼群岛挂号的基金 Consensus Technologies。由于 OKEx 这次提早交割的动作,他声称他会削减基金华夏先正在 OKEx 上买卖的 500 万美元资金。其它,还有四名没有愿展示姓名的买卖员正在暗自的交谈中也提到了他们将会密切或停止与该买卖所的联系,个中一人以至向喷鼻港证券 (SFC) 及期货事情监察委员会提交了投诉。喷鼻港证监会的讲话人推辞对于此作出指摘。

「OKEx is losing its credibility,」Qiao said.「The futures contract became something nonsense, not something we could use to hedge.」

「专家在落空对于 OKEx 的信赖,」Qiao 如是说道,「它的期货合约变得谬妄,这一经没有能被称为一个也许用做对于冲的金融产物了」

In a series of statements after the early settlement, OKEx apologized for「the inconvenience it may cause」but said the decision was taken to protect customers from the volatility associated with the Bitcoin Cash split.

提早交割合约之后,OKEx 正在揭晓了一系列证实对于该行为「形成的没有便「施行了致歉,但声称此举是为了正在比特币现金分叉所带来的代价稳定下损坏用户所作的确定。

The exchange said it acted without notifying clients to reduce the risk of market manipulation.「After considering various scenarios, we decided that an early settlement was the most fair and rational decision to maintain an orderly market,」Andy Cheung, head of operations at OKEx, said in a response to questions from Bloomberg.

买卖所称其正在没有告诉用户的状况下这样做是为了削减墟市被安排的告急。「正在思虑过分歧状况后,咱们以为提早交割是维持墟市顺序的最平正以及冷静的确定」OKEx 的经营总监 Andy Cheung 正在采用彭博采访时如是回覆。

Crypto traders who spoke with Bloomberg said OKEx was the only exchange they knew of that forced early settlement of Bitcoin Cash contracts.

与彭博外交流过的加密钱币买卖者们称,OKEx 是他们所分解的仅有一个提早交割比特币现金合约的买卖所。

「It may not be illegal, but it is very unusual,」said Andrew Sullivan, a former managing director for sales trading at Haitong International Securities Group.

「这只怕没有犯法,但这一致利害常失常的」,Andrew Sullivan,一位前海通证券的出售买卖部董事总司理如许指摘。

The controversy is just the latest to emerge from the nascent world of cryptocurrency exchanges, which proliferated over the past two years as wild swings in Bitcoin and its ilk vaulted digital assets into the public consciousness. The trading venues, most of which operate with little to no regulation, have been dogged by everything from market manipulation to trading outages and cyberthefts.


A lack of confidence in crypto exchanges is one reason many institutional investors are proceeding cautiously as they weigh whether to add exposure to digital assets. The slow pace of mainstream adoption has contributed to deep losses in virtual currencies this year, erasing about 0 billion from the value of digital assets tracked by Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations | CoinMarketCap.

对付数字钱币买卖所的没有信赖是机构投资者迟迟没有将数字钱币算作物业配置的主要缘由之一。主流墟市的利用遍及迟缓也导致本年假造钱币墟市市值大幅滑落,根据 CoinMarketCap, 本年加密钱币墟市市值流失近 650 亿美元。

OKEx, which was founded by Star Xu, the entrepreneur behind Chinese crypto exchange OKCoin, has been criticized by traders before. In August, the exchange imposed losses on clients after it was unable to cover the shortfall from a massive wrong-way bet by one of its users. While the decision complied with OKEx』s longstanding「socialized clawback」policy, the episode left many questioning the exchange』s ability to manage risk.

由中国创业者徐明星制造的 OKEx 买卖所曾经被买卖员们挑剔过。本年 8 月份,因为没法揭开一个用户的正确赌注带来的亏空,该买卖所将亏空散布强加正在平台其他客户上。即使这个决议后续被发通告注释为「社区性亏空」战术,该事宜产生先行业对于其风控才略孕育极小置疑。

In the latest incident, traders found several reasons to fault OKEx on top of the exchange』s decision to force early settlement of its Bitcoin Cash futures.

正在本次事宜中,买卖员们正在 OKEx 提早交割 BCH 期货的确定中,找到多出马脚。

Before the contracts were terminated, OKEx announced a change to the composition of the underlying index, replacing one of its price sources. The move occurred during live trading, and triggered a significant repricing of the contracts, according to Amber AI, a crypto market-making firm founded by former Morgan Stanley trader Tiantian Kullander.

美女合约交易员讲解合约 (做合约交易的技巧)

正在期货合约停止以前,OKEx 揭晓了标的指数组织改革的通告,更换代价起因之一。据数字钱币做市商 Amber AI 的开创人,前摩根斯坦利买卖员 Tiantian Kullander 指出, 此通告正在买卖施行时发出,激发大幅度代价重构。

On Nov. 15, a day after the Bitcoin Cash futures settled, a technical malfunction at OKEx left traders unable to execute orders for more than two hours, during a time of heightened market volatility, Amber AI said in a blog post on Monday titled「OKEx-- It』s Time to Pay the Piper.」The firm called for「regulation and transparency at OKEx in order to promote and maintain a healthy and fair trading environment.」

Amber AI 正在本周一揭晓的一篇名为「OKEx - It』s Time to Pay the Piper」的博客中指出,11 月 15 日,BCH 期货交割后一天,OKEx 平台上的本领障碍使得墟市到场者正在大幅度稳定时期足有 2 小时以上没法施行定单。该机构呼吁 OKEx 应「更透明」来营建更强健、刚正的墟市境况。

Amber Ai Medium原文

OKEx Its time to pay the piper

正在往昔的一周里,咱们看到了 OKEx 安排墟市的动作,预计价值四亿美元以上的期货合约已被约束整理。比特币现金($ BCH)收集按期每年施行两次协议进级。因为分歧开垦团队之间生存的共鸣冲撞,讨论于 11 月 15 日格林威治本及时间下昼 4:40 上下施行硬分叉。随着比特陆地(ABC)以及 CoinGeek(BSV)之间的翻脸激化,买卖所经营商们没有得没有挑选一支公链来连续支柱其平台上的指数。

Over the past week we have seen behavior indicative of market manipulation by OKEx, and estimate $400mm+ of futures contracts have been forced into liquidation as a result.

The Bitcoin Cash ($BCH) network goes through regular protocol upgrades twice per year. As there has been conflicting consensus changes between different development teams, a hard fork was scheduled occur on the 15th of November around 4:40 PM GMT. As the battle between Bitmain (ABC) and CoinGeek (BSV) intensified, exchange operators have had to pick a side regarding which chain they will continue to reference their indices against.

11 月 9 日

OKEx 正在分叉以前确定了他们的立场,发通告证实:「硬分叉停止之后,咱们的 BCH 期货合约将支柱 BCH(比特币 ABC)」。

与大普遍买卖所立场一律,OKEx 确定挑选支柱 ABC。若分叉后 BSV 成为仅有幸存的公链,那么现行的期货合约(而今支柱 ABC)的价值都会归零。墟市到场者们也结束对于这类告急施行相对于定价,正在预分叉以前卖出合约以将其揭开回首。咱们正在短期也揭晓了一篇文章,指出了这个买卖机缘。

随着硬分叉的到来,BSV 阵营于比 ABC 阵营取得更多支柱,BitMex($ BCHZ18)以及 OKEx($ BCH1116 以及$ BCH1228)的期货合约结束呈现对于 BCH 现货的大幅折扣。

November 9

OKEx decide their stance ahead of the fork, quoting」After the hard fork, our BCH futures contracts subject will be BCH (Bitcoin ABC)」. The full announcement can be read here.

OKEx decided to reference ABC, following suit of many other exchanges. In an outcome where two chains would not co-exist after the fork and BSV is the surviving chain, the value of the prevailing future contracts (which now reference ABC) could settle worthless. Market participants began pricing for this risk accordingly, selling the contracts in anticipation to cover it back lower ahead of the pre-fork snapshot. We also highlighted this opportunity in our recent post which can be read here.

With the BSV camp gaining momentum over ABC going into the scheduled hard fork, future contracts on both BitMex ($BCHZ18) and OKEx ($BCH1116 and $BCH1228) were starting to price in steep discounts to BCH spot markets.

11 月 12 日

OKEx 发布「对于期货买卖指数算计法则以及期货买卖身分指数的更新」。正在此通告中,OKEx 确定休止引用 Bitfinex 现货代价来改革算计身分。经过改革交割指数的法则,他们唆使墟市从新施行指数根底定价; 鉴于墟市仍生存大度未平仓合约及 USDT 兑美元的远大折扣,这是一个辽阔的改变。咱们以为此行为有正在锐意困扰期货合约代价的打算。

November 12

OKEx announces an「Update on Indices Computation Rules Indices Constituents for Futures Trading」. In this update, OKEx decided to change constituent calculations by discontinuing to reference Bitfinex prices in the spot indices. By changing the rules of the settlement index, they forced the market to reprice the index basis; a drastic change given the large open interest in the market and the significant USDT-to-USD discount. We see this as a deliberate attempt to interfere with prices of the underlying futures contracts, amidst live trading.

11 月 14 日

OKEx BCH 期货买卖限制着落,合约(参照 ABC)定价比现行 BCH 现货指数低 25%。因为系统没有再禁止定单提交,买卖也所以憩息。正在此时期,Poloniex-ABC 以及正在 BitMex 异常于 BTC 计价的 BCH 公约($ BCHZ18)正在 OKEx 上的买卖代价比市代价低出 20%。

OKEx 同时发布将于 2018 年 11 月 14 日上午 09:05 CET(UTC +1)的最终买卖代价中提早交割 BCH 期货合约,而没有是按法则禁止墟市自在浮动或连续施行限价法则。齐全的通告也许正在这边赏玩:

November 14

OKEx BCH futures trade limit-down, with the contracts (referencing ABC) pricing a 25% discount to the prevailing BCH spot index. Trading is halted as order submissions are no longer allowed. During this time, Poloniex-ABC and the equivalent BTC-denominated BCH contract on BitMex ($BCHZ18) is trading at a 20% discount to OKEx.

Instead of allowing the market to free-float, or continuing to enforce the limit-down rule, OKEx announces that they will settle the BCH futures contracts early against the last traded price at 09:05AM Nov 14, 2018 CET (UTC +1). The full announcement can be read here:

经过改革交割日期以及法则,OKEx 违抗以前的通告并拦阻墟市上的未平仓权力。这意味着 OKEx 对付墟市中每一个持有空头目寸的合约都强行施加了流动亏空,使合约交割价比公正价值胜过 20%。这状况与芝加哥商品买卖所 (CME) 正在买卖施行中发布 S P500 E-Mini 期货将与上证分析指数交割一律。

By changing the settlement date and delivery rule against the open interest in the market, they invalidated their previous announcement. This meant that for each short position carried in the contract, OKEx implicitly imposed a fixed loss on the notional amount, delivering the contract 20% higher vs fair value. This is no different than the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) announcing that the S P 500 E-Mini Futures will settle against the Shanghai Composite Index in the midst of trading.

总价值为 296,316.51BCH 合约于对于 ABC 溢价 80 美元点位交割 (Poloniex-ABC 的交割价为 330 美元,OKEx 的交割价为 408.8 美元),使墟市空头目寸的总亏空到达约 2400 万美元。根据咱们的推想,OKEx 的内部买卖部门持有合约卖空的相反头寸。

296,316.51 BCH worth of contracts settled at $80 higher vs ABC ($330 on Poloniex-ABC vs $408.8 OKEx), bringing the aggregate loss for short-positions in the market to roughly $24mm. There exists market speculation that OKEx』s internal trading desk carried the opposite position against short-sellers.

根据 OKEx 以前揭晓的通告,墟市到场者已对于 BCH1116/1123/1228 于 ABC 交割做的合约做出定价。他们唆使有双足买卖的墟市到场者卖出与 ABC 相干的多头目寸,导致 BCHZ18 以及 Poloniex-ABC 的大度平仓,导致代价大幅着落。这些动作可被称为数字钱币买卖墟市史上最重要的哄骗以及墟市操作动作之一。

As the market had already priced for $BCH1116/1123/1228 contracts to settle against ABC (as per the previous announcement), they effectively also forced all market participants with dual-legged trades to liquidate long positions in ABC-related risk, resulting in a slew of liquidations in $BCHZ18 and Poloniex-ABC, causing sharp declines. This is indicative of outright market manipulation and one of the more serious acts of fraud in the history of limit order book trading in the cryptocurrency markets.

OKEx 官方称:「今朝没有一切比特币/ABC 买卖对于拥有渊博深度以及买卖量可组成比特币交割指数。」然而,这个说法是冲撞的,由于 P 网上的分叉前 ABC 以及 BSV 日平衡买卖量一经不同逾越 1000+BTC。比拟之下,这比比特币黄金 (据 CoinMarketCap 报道) 的 24 小时平衡买卖量胜过 50% 以上,而 BTG 变成了 OKEx 上交割 BTG 期货的现货指数。

In the official announcement, OKEx cites:「there is no Bitcoin ABC trading pair with enough market depth and trading volume to compose an index for delivery」. However this is contradictory, as the average volume in the pre-fork ABC and BSV pairs on Poloniex were exceeding 1,000+ BTC-equivalent per day, each. For comparison, this is 50%+ higher than the average 24h volume in BTG (as reported by CoinMarketCap), which composes the spot index against which the OKEx BTG futures settle against.

11 月 15 日(12AM-2AM 喷鼻港时光)

OKEx 的下单系统结束障碍,因为一个『限价定单 Bug』, 生意两边都没法下单。一切用户都碰到了这个课题,既有正在 WEB 页面点击下单的买卖员,也席卷经过 API 法式下单的买卖者。正在延续 2 个多小时的时光内,墟市到场者都没法削减或推广仓位,而这段时光是往昔 9 个月来稳定最为猛烈的。

正在 12AM-2AM 这段时光内墟市到场者没法发送市价定单

November 15 (12AM—2AM HKT)

OKEx』s order submission system starts malfunctioning. Both buyers and sellers are unable to submit orders due to a「Limit Order Bug」. This problem was consistent for all users, both manual point-and-click traders, as well as program traders interacting with OKEx via API. Over a period of 2h+, market participants were unable to reduce or add risk during the most volatile trading session in 9 months.

正在这时期,墟市累计爆仓单逾越了 4 亿美金,再加左右列买卖标的的减值:

189mm BTC

108mm ETH

74mm EOS

8.2mm XRP

8.2mm LTC

12mm BTG ETC

The market estimate of total liquidations during this period exceed USD 400mm+ notional with the following USD-equivalent breakdown per ticker:

咱们预计一切杠杆账户的累计亏空约莫是总平仓金额的 10%。这时期纪录的 level-2 数据流量再现说合引擎是一般的,买卖所能延续拜候并一般运转,但一切高于买一的买单以及低于卖一的卖单都被拦阻了。

We estimate the aggregate loss from all margin accounts to be around 10% of the total liquidation value. Recorded level-2 data throughout this period shows the order matching engine as functioning. The exchange continued to host traffic and operate but with all order submissions blocked, except buy-orders below the best bid, and sell-orders above the best offer.

OKEx 坚称这是因为『系统过载课题导致的限价终端没有牢靠』。然而,假设是因为并发定单过大导致的过载,系统背景应该没法反映办事器机能之外的一切恳求。买卖所要末对于正确定单施行反映,要末推辞处置一切定单恳求。换个例子,当 Microsoft Excel 溃逃时,表单算计了局并没有会改革。背景要末天生正确的限价,要末全数休止,而没有是有的定单能下,有的没有能。既然障碍没有是因为过载,那么仅有大概的缘由便是内部安排。


OKEx insists that this was due to a 『system overload issue resulting in instability on the price limit endpoint』. However, in the case of traffic overhaul on the back of a rush of simultaneous orders, the back-end infrastructure would not be able to process requests beyond the server capacity. The exchange either generates a response with the correct order information, or refuses to process an order submission request. To put it differently; spreadsheet calculations do not change when Microsoft Excel is crashing. The back-end either generates the correct price limit, or stops altogether, there can be no in-between. Since the issue is not due to overload, the only plausible explanation is internal manipulation.

因为买卖者没有能做 taker, 那么正在『系统过载』时期,定单薄中的对于手盘就只可是 OKEx 自身。早正在本年 3 月 30 日,OKEx 履历了一次辽阔的连环爆仓事宜,很是多杠杆账户被强平。其时他们确定将买卖回滚到爆仓前,并称其『墟市安排』。但正在最新的这次事宜中,OKEx 确定没有回滚一切买卖,并宣布了一份官方证实。咱们以为 OK 立场的变化大概与其内部买卖团队所持头寸相干 (其仓位为墟市其他到场者仓位的反方向).

With market participants unable to act as takers, the only price-aggressor in the order book during the 『system overload』 could have been OKEx themselves.Earlier this year on March 30th, OKEx faced a large cascading liquidation event which wiped out a a large number of margin accounts. The exchange decided to roll back all trades preceding the contract liquidations, citing 『market manipulation』. However in the latest incident, OKEx has decided not to roll back any trades, and has yet to issue an official announcement. We view the change in stance this time as being due to the positioning of their internal trading desk (which nets off as zero vs. the rest of the market).

11 月 15 日(10:48PM 喷鼻港时光)

陪同着买卖员们的置疑,OKEx 立即瓜分了蜂巢财经的文章

November 15 (10:48PM HKT)

Following scrutiny from the trading community, OKEx shares the following link on Chinese social media:

这篇文章引用了 Reddit 上的一则帖子。一个自称立场中立的散户 u/Allofoobtc 写了一篇很长的注释,讲解了 OKEx 提早交割各个 BCH 合约的缘由。而这篇帖子的作风、口气鼓鼓以及实质都与 OKEx 自身揭晓的注释极端不异。这个 Reddit 帖子宣布的时光以及蜂巢财经宣布文章的时光相隔了 2 个小时。

The article, by 『Honeycomb Finance』 references a Reddit post by an 『independent trader』 under the moniker u/Allofoobtc who has written a lengthy post on the reasoning behind OKEx』s early contract delivery. The style, language and content of the post exhibits a striking resemblance to OKEx』s own explanation. The timestamps between the Reddit post and Honeycomb』s publication are 2 hours apart.

随着咱们深切争论,咱们发明 u/Allofoobtc 这个账户仅仅建立了两个月,也只揭晓 4 篇帖子:一篇置疑了 BitMex 买卖所「没有公德的经营办法」,一篇挑剔了火币买卖所,一篇瓜分了一个「客串作家」赞颂 OKEx 比 BitMex 好的文章,最终一篇则是迩来的这篇,注释了为甚么 OKEx 提早交割是个「好的确定」。

Upon deeper inspection, we see that the u/Allofoobtc account has been active less than 2 months, and has only 4 posts of which: 1 post questions rival BitMex over「unethical operations」, 1 post criticizes rival Huobi, 1 post shares a 『Guest Author』 article praising OKEx over rival BitMex (sponsored), and the most recent post validating the early contract delivery on OKEx as a「good decision」.

因为各种证明,咱们也许判断出这个用户面前是由 OKEx 操作的。同时,OKEx 也(很大概)付费给了 CoinIdol 来揭晓对于比 OKEx 以及 BitMex 的那篇文章,并援助了蜂巢财经来扩张那篇 Reddit 的帖子。蜂巢财经很是有大概是 OKEx 的危急公关公司;该媒体曾经正在徐明星(OKEx 的 CEO)被捕风浪之后对于他施行了独家采访,他们也是仅有一家这么做的媒体。

With basic abductive reasoning it becomes evident that the operator behind this moniker is OKEx, and that the exchange (probably) paid CoinIdol for the BitMex vs OKEx article, and also sponsored Honeycomb to publish the Reddit post. Honeycomb is likely OKEx』s external crisis-PR firm, having been the sole media outlet to have hosted an interview with Star Xu (OKEx CEO) following his recent arrest.

11 月 17 日

OKEx 暗暗地改动了以前的通告。上面这张截图是 11 月 12 号揭晓的 OKEx 通告,个中第三个点注释了 BSV 散发的细节:这条通告说明有借出 BCH 的杠杆用户无需还 BSV。

11 月 12 号最初的通告阐剖判分叉后借出 BCH 的用户无需负担还回 BSV 的负担。

November 17

OKEx silently makes an amendment to a previous announcement. The below snapshot, from November 12, details the BSV distribution plan in bullet point 3. This term states that if users have outstanding borrow of BCH, the will not need to repay BSV.

The original announcement on November 12 states that BCH borrowers will not incur a BSV-liability after the fork.

上面这张截图异样来自 OKEx 的通告焦点,但却颠末了改动。OKEx 暗暗地将先前通告的第三点整体移除了,打算经过这样的目的骗过他们的用户。

这篇通告最初是 12 号揭晓的,但也再现「最终改动」于 17 号。

The below snapshot is the same announcement page, amended. In an underhanded attempt to deceive their users, OKEx』s removes the original bullet point 3 entirely.

The post was originally published on November 12, and shows as 『last updated』 on November 17.

11 月 17 号,OKEx 公开里将 5 天前的通告中的第三点去除失落了

On November 17, secretly resorts to backdating, removing the original bullet point 3 from their November 12 announcement.

11 月 18 日

OKEx 正在之后要求借出 BCH 的用户同时也还回 BSV。正在他们最新的通告里写道:「已借未还 BCH 的用户:需按 1BCH=1BCHABC+1BCHSV 比率偿还 BCHABC 以及 BCHSV。优先利用其原 BCH 杠杆账户中 USDT 按其时币币买卖代价兑换为 BCHABC 以及 BCHSV 还至 OKEx,如物业没有足,则用其应支付 BCHABC 以及 BCHSV 抵扣」。

November 18

OKEx imposes a BSV liability for BCH borrowers. In the new announcement, they state:「If you have an outstanding BCH loan amount: you will have to repay the amount in BCHABC and BCHSV based on the ratio 1 BCH = 1 BCHABC + 1 BCHSV. First, the USDT in your margin account will be converted to BCHABC and BCHSV according to the token trading market price of that time to repay the amount. Then, if it is not enough, you will have to cover the amount by your BCHABC and BCHSV distribution.」

1. OKEx 最初的证实示意已借未还 BCH 的无需支拨 BSV。多个社区里的买卖员也收到了 OKEX 客服对于该战术确实认。

2. OKEx 暗暗地改动了最初的通告,去失落并放弃了以前的战术。

3. OKEx 接着颁布了借出 BCH 的用户而今须要将 ABC 以及 BSV 都退还给买卖所的通告。

1. OKEx originally stated BCH borrowers will not need to repay BSV. Multiple users in the trading community also received ongoing validation from OKEx customer support, reaffirming this policy.

2. OKEx quietly amends the original announcement, removing and invalidating the prior policy.

3. OKEx announces that users who have borrowed BCH now owe both ABC and BSV to the exchange.

有确实的证明说明,假设没有产生远大漠视或墟市安排动作,那么 OKEx 就没有须要躲正在匿名者面前,施行轻率且没有幼稚的鼓吹。缭绕 BCH 硬分叉的一系列事宜说明了 OKEx 对于墟市的安排、哄骗以及诈骗。但 OKEx 未能供给注释。

Should there be evidence beyond reasonable doubt that no act of gross negligence or market manipulation has taken place, there would be no need for OKEx to hide behind anonymous monikers and resort to sloppy, unsophisticated propaganda. The course of events surrounding the BCH hard fork are indicative of market manipulation, fraud and deceit.

OKEx has failed to provide an explanation.

算作寰球现货以及衍生品墟市的活泼墟市到场者以及震动性供给者,咱们呼吁 OKEX 的监管以及透明度,以匆匆进以及维持强健以及平正的买卖境况。

As an active market participant and liquidity provider in the global spot and derivative markets, we are calling for regulation and transparency at OKEX in order to promote and maintain a healthy and fair trading environment.
